The Beauty Of Nature

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Amazing Pictures of Nature

No person grow this flowers, trees, and bushes,no person used any paint or miracle grow, to make the sorroundings of the islands so magnificient and vibrant in color. Everything around look like the garden of treasure island of human kind. Sunshine at day time moonlight at night is so different from the civilization common understanding. Owe inspiring silence, someone oversee his garden of creation.

Gable Rhododenron

The ocean and the lonely palm going to sleep to rest and amaze everyone of their beauty tomorrow again.

Net for catching fish this is very popular in Anda , Bohol , Philippines. In this island they are using this kind of net beacause it is safe and fish can't escape. They can make maximum 3 fish net a day very creative and hardworking Boholano's.

This Wonderful views taken from Bohol , Anda one of the islands in Philippines with white sand and big rocks hanging around. A paradise for swimmers,divers, just romantic place with wonderful miracles of nature. Sparkling clean water inviting everyone to enjoy suiting waves of the Bohol sea.